Pholia Farm SR Delightful
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Born 04/12/2013
4th Freshener
Delightful is the first doe purchased by Wild West Farms back in 2013. Impressed by her dairy strength, natural uphill slant, and depth of body, we purchased this doe in the hopes of building a herd with similar characteristics. Because of Delightful's many strengths, she is an invaluable member of our herd and the foundation of nearly all of our retained does. Examples of the wonderful qualities Delightful produces may be seen in (Wild West Farms) The AR Sunny Delight and Wild West Farms YS Queenie, both of which are excellent show does and heavy milk producers.
Sire : Pholia Farm MI Brave Sir Robin *B
Dam : SG Pholia Farm RD Define 6*M
Linear Appraisals
Show History
2016 : Klamath County Fair Reserve Supreme Nigerian Dwarf Doe
Rogue Valley Dairy Goat Association ADGA Open Show 2nd & 3rd 2 Year Old Doe
2017 : Klamath County Fair Supreme Champion Dairy Doe
2018 : Klamath County Fair Reserve Champion Senior Nigerian Dwarf Doe
Kidding History
2016 : 1 doe, 2 bucks
(Wild West Farms) The AR Sunny Delight
2017 : 1 doe
2018 : 1 doe, 2 bucks
2020 : 1 doe, 1 buck